Tips for Viral Success For The Online Social Networker | Social Networking

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Tips for Viral Success For The Online Social Networker

Posted by Bambang | Jumat, 04 Februari 2011 | Category: , , , |

Are you aware of the importance of viral success? If the term doesn’t mean anything to you, you’d better get on top of learning about your marketing or you’re never going to make it in the world of dog-eat-dog Internet business. Viral marketing is a term that refers to the way that a marketing campaign is picked up and spread around the world, or at least around the Internet, creating success for a business. Like a virus, word about the business spreads. Viral success is a critical component of business success in today’s world, so you should know the strategies for it if you’re hoping to succeed.

Some of the strategies for viral success include:

1. Move People to Feel Deep Emotions

The most important step in viral marketing is to strike up emotions in people. Whether that emotion is:

· Laughter
· Love
· Hate
· Anger
· Excitement
· Compassion
· Deep Interest
· Feeling That Someone is an Idiot (not an emotion but this works)

Stop trying to please everyone with safe content and try get people excited, agitated, or laughing. Get people’s blood pumping and get those Diggs.

Note: Allow people a place to comment to vent their emotions:
When people are feeling emotions, they want to talk about their feelings with other people. Make sure that you have a place for people to make comments on your article. That is why blog software is perfect for viral marketing. Don’t delete negative comments unless they border on abusive.

2. Social Bookmarking and Social Networking

Social bookmarking. Of course! What better way to spread the word about your work than through sites that are specifically designed for users to spread the word about what they like. Make the most of social bookmarking by getting your content on the best, most appropriate, sites on a regular basis through a targeted social bookmarking campaign. If enough people pick up on your content through these tools, you can see viral success just from this alone.

Tip: Take a Multi-faceted Approach.
Even if you do see viral success from social bookmaking, you’ll want to take a multi-faceted approach to your marketing to reach the broadest audience. Some people like to read articles. Others like to watch videos. Still others have their attention caught best by the blogs they subscribe to. Use a multi-faceted approach to reach more people (and then use social bookmarking for all of these things to spread the word further and more quickly).

3. Tap into the Viral Power of Celebrities or Popular Fads

The idea is very simple. Take advantage of the popularity of a celebrity, fad, newsworthy story, or other highly searched keyword. For example, writing an article about Britney Spears has a higher chance of viral success than an article about dog farts. The below tools will help you find out what the most popular searches are for that day, week, month, and year.

· What is popular today from Google Content -

4. Sequels of Successful Content

Many webmasters make the mistake of not trying to take advantage of past successful content launches. If you created an article that was hugely successful then you should try making sequels of that article. You can post a Part II, Part III, etc. with useful tips, tools, or further in depth coverage of the same topic. Some ideas for additional things to add to a topic are:

· Online related resources
· Useful tools
· Real world examples
· Video follow-ups
· Discussions about the comments you received regarding that topic
· Extras or goodies
· Post about other articles on the net with opposite views from you and argue the topic
· Interview someone with experience on the topic who has your view
· Interview someone with experience on the topic who has an opposing view and argue your case

5. Sex Sells

If your target market is male, half naked women will really get you far. Sex is known to sell everything from beer, cigarettes, guns, cars, and everything in between. Although sex has nothing to do with any of these things, it peaks the male viewer’s attention enough to listen to or click through to whatever you are promoting. I don’t use this tactic, but I know that it works.

6. Offer Something Free

Offer people something valuable for free to get people to come to your site. For example, there are plenty of people who are hungry for useful information on specific topics such as “How to Drive Traffic to Your Site” or “How to Start an eBay Business”. When people are desperate for information, it is easy to get them to download a free ebook. If one person reads your ebook and it is helpful to them, they will tell everyone about it. You will soon have a huge number of people coming to your site to download your free ebook. Of course there will also be people who send other people to your ebook. How will those people know about your web site? They will know your url because your will plaster your url all over that ebook so that people who get your ebook from someone else will visit your site. Essentially, it is one huge advertisement for your site…unless your ebook is a piece of junk. Make sure to write valuable content that actually is helpful to readers, or nobody will send it to anyone else or add a link to your site.

7. Video

Video is one of the hottest things on the web today so you should be incorporating it into your site. If you create a video that evokes strong emotions, people will share it and share it faaaaaaaaaaaaaast. That’s the essence of viral success. You will know quickly if your video clip is a success. Make sure that you have plenty of CPU and bandwidth available on your server…or it will crash and crash hard.

What sites should you submit your videos to?
At the minimum you should list your videos on, Google Videos, and but there are other alternatives that you should submit them to if you have the time. Here is a list of alternatives to YouTube. I suggest that you take a look at these sites to see which ones are worth while for you. You should also submit your videos to the normal social bookmarking sites as well.

8. Improve Your Content

Don’t have content for content’s sake. There’s been a big push recently to get as much content as possible on websites so that search engines see keywords in that content. But as users get savvier about the web, they are getting increasingly interested in the quality of content. It’s easy for them to just click away if your content isn’t good, so make sure that you’re not sacrificing the content just to get the right tags and quantity of content on the site. No one is going to spread the word about content that is bad.

9. Text (SMS) Messages

People these days love to text one another so give them something short and easy to remember to text to others. Brand yourself with a great phrase that reminds people of who you are and what you do; your own slogan if you will. Make it text-worthy and brief and you’ll see your name cropping up in conversation.

10. Forwarding Emails

According to a study done by MarketingSherpa, the top viral marketing strategy used by B2C companies in the US last year was email forwarding. I find this hard to believe, but I will explain to you what the process of viral email forwarding is:

You have received email forwarding campaigns before. I get them from my Mom, my Dad, My husband’s Grandmother and his Mother, as well as many of my friends. These are emails that have been forwarded from one person to another to another to another and so forth. Usually the ones from my family are emails that say things like “Don’t honk your car horn because there is a murderer out there who will shoot you if you honk your horn”. Do you get those too? I consider forwarded email junk and throw these emails away, that is why I am not the best person to explain email forwarding to you since I hate these campaigns. The great thing about email forwarding campaigns is that they can continue to accelerate as new groups of people are exposed to the campaign.

How Do I get people to forward my email to other people?
· The only way that someone will forward your email to other people is:
· There is a mutual benefit for them to send the email to others.
· Person shares your interests and thinks their friends will be interested as well
· Email has a great deal or free item.
· Upcoming event that they would like to share with others
· Scare tactic (like the above example) – please don’t do this.

11. Use Signatures with Your Sites Info at the Bottom of Every Email

Every email that you send out should contain a signature. A signature is at the end of your emails and should look something like this:

Your Name
Title of Articles
Description of Articles

You probably won’t get a ton of traffic from this but you never know when someone will see your signature and give you the big break that you have been hoping for. Every little bit helps.

12. Networking on Message Boards, Chat Rooms, and Community Sites

Message boards and chat rooms attract individuals in need of advice. Take advantage of this. Just make sure not to blatantly market your services. This might infuriate people and you could get flamed or kicked out among other things. The way to network in this situation is to be as helpful and knowledgeable as you possibly can. If you are in a graphic design message board and someone is baffled about how to use layers in Photoshop, you could explain the process. You could maybe mention that you use Photoshop daily when running your design business. THEN at the bottom of the page use a signature.

Tip: I suggest searching the forums in your niche for specific articles that you have just written. This way you can say things like, ‘I just wrote about the topic of your question, take a look at this article.” However, you have to be established in that forum for a while before you try that or people will think you are spamming (I know because I run a large forum and I catch people doing this all the time. I don’t mind if they are already established and offer help to people who need it.)

13. Become an Expert in Your Niche Market

There are Question and Answer sites all over the Internet. By offering answers on these questions, your name (and url) will get around quickly. Some Question / Answer sites are:

There are many more similar sites, and I will most likely link to them in an article later on.

14. "Invite Friends" or "Send Article to Friends" Button

Placing a ‘Send Article to Friends’ button on your articles is always a good idea. Webmasters don’t use these types of buttons as often as they used to because of social bookmarking sites. However, if you have room on your article pages, I suggest that you place both social bookmarking and ‘send article to friend’ buttons. On the front page of your site you should place an ‘Invite Friends’ button. If you have room to place it elsewhere, I suggest that you do that too.

15. Submit Mini Articles to Article Banks

You want original content on your site so that you don’t get busted by Google for duplicate content. However, you still want to get your site’s url out on the net. My suggestion to you is to write great content for your own site and never send these articles out to article banks. My suggestion is to keep those great articles on your own site and write mini-articles to send out to article banks. At the bottom of the article, you can write the url to the full article. If this isn’t allowed, then you should write the full url in your signature. Make sure to utilize the signature with information about your site and list your urls. Think of viral marketing as putting your name on the lips of the people that you want to talk about you. Basically, give them something worth talking about – in the form of good content – and give them a way to do it – through a social bookmarking site – and you’ll see viral success.

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